Black Sorrows
2017-2018 (Finished)

Detailed Info
Black Sorrows is a VR Horror game.
Developed as part of the official projects in U-TAD, Black Sorrows aims to create a experience where the player is locked in a Submarine as it follows the route to a base.
I was part of a multidisciplinar team formed by other fellow students of U-TAD.
As a game designer on Black Sorrows:
I pitched gameplay features and ideas for the game.
Designed them on documents and visual reference sheets.
Prototyped them, and then worked on with the rest of the team.
Materials for the Submarine Holographic UI, trying to integrate a diegetic experience and elevate the inmersion.
'Faux' Volumetric lights for the submarine, with a custom 3D model for the light cones, and a material set to made an effect similar to what a light will look underwater.
Helped to create custom events such as rocks falling, water bubbles, etc...
Prototype of the Interaction System for VR.
Level sequence and level blueprint, to match SFX and CUEs to events.
Worked with the game writer to design the story an a general level story and define the player avatar.
Integrate Triggers for dialog throughout the level.